Saturday, January 29, 2011

your kiss might kill me

Maybe it's just the hangover but I seem to finally be feeling the sting. This week was just a huge mess, what with school and boys and life and boys and what not. Ugh. School is just such a mega failure right now. Nope, that sentence didn't even make sense. That's how great it is. Hurhur. Last night saw a lot of grouchiness.. and alcohol. Fucking lethal combination.Lonely hearts club. I don't remember much yet I always remember what I should forget. Literally woke up, and after figuring out how I got home, jerked up and thought "OH MY GOD NO". You have no idea how uncomfortable this makes me. The past three posts seem to be so contradicting. I think I am more okay than I sound on this space because I only retreat here when I am upset. Though it seems to be getting more frequent these days. Blame it on the (a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol) lack of company. Contradicting because I never want what I have. I want freedom, no I want comfort, no I want this and I want that. Exactly like me. Speaking of which, your disappearance has left me... not surprised. The only irony is how much you hate people who walk. And yet I guess this is so justified sooooooooo.. I can't say anything. Life. On the other hand, this bitterness needs to end because clearly, I can't let it go. Still. And what is with all this.. tension?

My heart is yours to fill or burst
to break or bury

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