Sunday, January 23, 2011

Year after year

Last weekend. This weekend looked different. This week saw me extremely cranky, easily irritable and mostly alone. Ish. Last night's show was.. interesting to say the least.Yet another episode of finger-pointing coupled with "I'm too high to deal with this right now, we'll talk about it tomorrow". Hurhurr. I wonder if it's the repercussions of my number one mistake. Though in this situation, I am actually liberated soo.... I must still be figuratively trapped. Hawhaw. Or maybe I'm just overthinking. Ugh. Not even the only lapse this week. Real fucking classy, Abigail. I guess it's pretty obvious where this is. Seems to have soured. Sigh. And the sudden realization (cos I run so fucking much) that I probably have no fucking future on this island. Ironically, I'm probably the only one who actually wants to stay. Life. There are just too many things racing through my mind right now for me to even begin trying to sort them out. These fleeting moments of self-confidence are just that, fleeting. I'm lost in the sea in my own head. Pushing through thoughts and worries and issues, only to find.. nothing. No answers, no clear direction, nobody. It's not now I'm worried about, it's eventually. And for good reason too. Always stuck in my own head, that's all I ever write on this damn fucking blog. In actuality I have actually been getting the fuck out living my last teen years and what not, but I always crawl back in the way I crawl back into my bed at the end of every day. Well, I guess I'm really just a girl.

I think you're already gone

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