Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can't carry it with you if you want to survive

Last week! How was all of that six months?? Seems too epic to be true, or maybe that can just be contributed to the drama in my life. Work wise, there were about two breaking points. And on everything else wise, well.. let's just say, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Everything moves in such a blur. All of a sudden, epic things and happening and moving and pushing through.. and in a flash it's all over. (Get it get it) Hmm. It feels like secondary school all over again. Life. And once again as everything and everyone evolves around me, I wonder if I will stubbornly stay the same. These dreams.. why won't they leave me alone? Ignoring life's subliminal messages. It's the kind of thing you know is bad for you but you want to do/have/want anyway. How have I not grown out of this mentality? Raahr. Moving on. What will I miss the most from this experience? Hmm. Have we stained our clean slate already? Or decorated it, more like. I wonder if I am ready to handle having that again.. or more honestly, the responsibility of having yours. I don't want to get used to having less than what it is now. Life. Here we go, out of the comfort zone again.

So lost in the moments when you're in them

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