Monday, November 9, 2009

Just face it, don't pretend

I guess we can't keep doing things with our eyes shut. Can't keep pretending nothing's wrong. Can't keep acting like we know where we're going. Can't keep breaking our backs over this unnecessary burden. Can't keep up with the momentum. Can't pretend I'm not drowning. Can't pretend we're not already alone. Can't pretend we have been kind. Can't pretend we have been keen either. Can't pretend their words don't matter. Can't pretend it's getting any easier. Can't pretend I don't need the high. Can't pretend our patience is running thin. Can't pretend the spark is fading. Can't pretend we won't explode at each other. Can't pretend it's not tolling and boring. Can't pretend we don't hate each other. Can't pretend we don't know it's not worth it. Can't pretend we know what we're doing. Can't pretend that this isn't it. Can't pretend that this doesn't hurt, because it really really does.

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