Monday, November 2, 2009

There are just some things that should be left unsaid

Aaah where to even begin. Instability: the biggest understatement ever. Above was the day Sonia and I realized we were both horrible people, and didn't care. Then Halloween rolled by; last minute planning and genuine excitement. And surprisingly enough, it turned out to be a pretty spectacular night. Though I wished we were all actually in the same club. Hurr. This is not a fucking competition, mofos. And even more surprising, school isn't making me want to shoot myself in the head every second of the day, which is new. Hawhaw. Everything else seems to be flitting away way too easily. Family is a whole other level all together. This is killing me more than you even know. I refuse to accept anything as my fault. Drifts lead to nothing but decline and deterioration. Acting like I care leads to more repulsion. I'm just going with the fucking flow.

We're the new face of failure.

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