Tuesday, November 24, 2009

All around me are familiar faces

So I'm having one of those days. The kind of normal, everyday days that you wouldn't guess would leave an impression days and months and maybe even years down the road. The kind of days that end with you looking exactly the same but feeling like a completely different person. Days where you realize how old you are getting, how close you are to the end of the year, how much closer you are to your future, how you are now living last year's future, how far away you are from everything and how much that kills you. Days where you realize you are still sitting in the same seat in the same lecture hall as you were a year ago with the same people except you are wearing your hair differently and you've got less make up on. Except I wear my hair the same everyday. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. I wouldn't believe half the things I say; and I don't. I am so frazzled out of my fucking mind. There are way too many people in my space, and yet somehow there is no one at all. Now is just a fucking fantasy.

Going nowhere

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