Monday, October 5, 2009

Just like an angel off the page

So my days have been filled with snot and a lot of other unidentifiable stuff clogging my nose. The hospital is not my friend. It's just a kold, I always say! Hurhur. Weekend has brought lessons of how attitude really changes everything. And questions of dependency. And yet another epic illness. Thus resulting in a four-day holiday from work! Three more days motherfuckers! They hate me there anyway. Hehe. The last day off was spent at Sentosa, where it always rains on my parade. Next week may or may not see me in a foreign land, much like it may or may not bring an exorbitant buy. Spontaneity has never been more planned! Hurhur. Need is such a.. desperate word. I'd like to think I'd just rather have it the way I do, though I must admit comfort is always where it stems from. To be honest, I have somewhat been in a daze recently. What time is it? What day is it? What am I really doing with my life? AND I have been having nothing but queer dreams lately. I blame the medication!

Now I'm stuck
in the web you're spinning.

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