Sunday, October 11, 2009

And I'm never giving it back

Sometimes we need to see past the protective film we cover ourselves with to get to the real thing. The real issue, the real feelings, the real deal. Sometimes we get so safe inside this film that we need someone to lift it for us, to remind us that life isn't just about getting high or getting more. And by that I don't mean protection (hawhaw), I mean looking out for, being there for and having coffee with. A kickback to the old days. A comforting night indeed, and without a new bag too! Hurhur. On the other hand, we face more trials and tribulations but I must admit it does seem to be dwindling. And I am grateful. Unlike most people, my protective film consists of only seeing the bad, like the hole in the door and then the shards that come with it. Defenses are the same across the board I reckon and I too need someone to lift the veil. I guess it will never be soon enough. Permission to grow. Not that I am really complaining. Hmm. On a completely unrelated note, there is always just something so romantic and perfect about breakfast. And Chanel.

You're changing your heart.

1 comment:

amelia. said...

Sometimes we just need days alone to breathe. When comfort can be easily found with a soft touch. Some days we just have to let go and forget world. Some days just have to be about love.