Sunday, September 20, 2009

How do I feel this good sober?

(New Life Moto)
I guess it's time to talk. The past week has seen me regurgitating tired cliche lines I never imagined ever needing to use. Everybody makes mistakes, yet no one is as poisonous as I am right now. Wining and dining(and then some) may have tided us over but somewhere inside I still fear for dearness. Flashes of unforgettable images burnt into every inch of my skin. This shit is not fun at all. The amount of negative energy surrounding me is so fucking overwhelming that that breakdown was really nothing at all. The best part is this will never fucking end and you know how fucking easily I lose sight of why and how everything is important to me. I was right to say that things will never be the same. Losing; and that makes me so tragically sad. Amidst everything, I also learnt that I have some really stupid people in my life. And due to new circumstances, I only just realized how this relationship is so fucking looked down upon by everyone and because I am no longer allowed to laugh along, I don't know how to react to anything. Or maybe I'm really just too scared to do anything.

Why do I feel this party's over?

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