Sunday, September 6, 2009

Clearly not thrilled

Weak-end. I figured it had to happen anyway. Friday was mishap after mishap; pms is such a lame excuse. Butter last night was unexciting to say the least. I hate how the moment someone points something out, it's all you ever see. Not to mention the epic mood-ruiner I couldn't even be fucked to hide. Hawhaw. Such is life. Yes hi Am I'm sorry I stole your picture! Hee. I am so severely sleep deprived right now it's not even fucking funny. I have about a billion and three things to get done by today and to be honest I am filled with such dread and nervousness. Grr. I can't even be fucked to pretend that this weekend wasn't supposed to be awesome because everybody knows that work weekends really aren't the damn same. Whatever the fuck.

Take me home
I'd rather die than be with you

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