Sunday, June 14, 2009

While we froze down below

I won't even know where to begin. Rebellion takes the stakes this weekend. Well that and vodka. Close call. Asshole-ism.. alcoholism.. Same difference. Suddenly I found myself backtracking to way back when when I was even more head-strong than I am now. At least I didn't leave. Hurhur. I am an asshole.. but I didn't start it!): Okay fine I did. I'm terrible. And clearly allergic to large doses of vodka. Heehee. Sorry baby love you foreverzz. Hahaha. Saturday night was like tables turned and let's just say I prefer being out. Heehee. Clearly I have decided not to take anything this weekend too seriously. The only thing that saddens me is the grave difference in all of us and the distance we have carved for ourselves between ourselves. But I suppose it comes with time and space and I'll keep whatever I still have left. Oh and apparently I now have a signal phrase for when I'm high. Hawhaw.

We're covered in lies but that's okay

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