Monday, June 1, 2009

Black bird singing in the dead of night

Alcoholic weekend; today will be the forth day in the row. And a rather busy one; from the Club 21 sale to a bleak Friday night to the usual Saturday with spontaneous people to yet another trip to the Bazar to Borders to Much Ado to a Monday night beer. Yet somewhere in the midst of my chaotic whirl I have found stillness in familiarity. And company in an hour of need, sparing me of the loneliness I have become accustomed to after yet another crappy ending. But alas you are right and guards are up with eyebrows raised and angry gestures thrown in my direction. Oops. I don't deny anything being my fault so thou shalt not question thee any further. Or throw another hissy fit. Hawhaw. Ah I blame no one but myself. Plus wine just really fucks with my mind. Other than that and occasional insipidity,well and that, oh and the fact that i have lost two ball-bearings (one which we'll be seeing on the other end), I had a pretty good week succumbing to all my vices. Guilt is not a friend of mine.

Fly into the light of the dark black night

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