Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shush girl, shut your lips

Just to add some color I suppose. My mind seems to be lost in an empty space of detachedness, where nothing seems to be of importance or contain substance. Still. Money has stopped flowing and it actually makes me feel like I'm watching my life go down the drain along with the last swirls of water getting sucked dangerously down the pipes. That makes me really pathetic actually but gone are the days where I've even bothered placing importance on anything that doesn't have material value. This is my 400th post by the way. This is life; a bleak outlook blocked by four white walls. Ouch. If only I weren't so easily distracted and blinded by shiny grays and luxurious materials, I'd have at least started on my damn fucking school work. Some days I'm just stuck in a rut of repetitive notions and carbon copies of hours on end, all in my head. I suppose it'll be worth the wait as I repeat once again; good times will roll for us all.

Cos I like to be gone most of the time.

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