Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sitting prettily in my mailbox

I feel the gangster blood.

So it has been a rather eventful and definitely very expensive week. School's barely been out for long and I've already blown a significant amount of money on shopping alone. Totally typica(: Haha. I've actually spent four consecutive days with the sonia of the pee this week. That might just be four too many(: HAHA. Monday; a failed surprise with sonia and sonia. Tuesday; Din Sonia and I. Wednesday; a myraid of people that also included Sonia. Thursday; Din then Sonia then Pau. And Friday; the Chew. Dang.

So in between everything (all with just one cup of coffee a day I might add), I've noticed how funny it is that so much has changed. And I don't even mean it in an annoyingly emo way, but in a it's-funny-how-life-turns-out kinda way. So much changes in such a short period of time. How we act, what we talk about, the things we laugh about, how we feel. I guess that's why they call it progress. And I'm not even talking about a year ago or something. So much has changed in the past month(and a couple weeks) alone. Don't even get me started on two months ago, or even since December. I have gained things, lost things, regretted things, took a chance on things, felt (quite a selection of) things, opened up on things and given up on things. It's funny how life turns out I guess. Heh.

On the somewhat duller side, I'm missing all my neds like crazy. Especially you Buu):

I am so spoilt(:

You're really lovely
Underneath it all
You want to love me
Underneath it all
I'm really lucky
Underneath it all

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