Sunday, March 16, 2008

I guess we're drifting

It sure seems that way.

Thanks Pau for having a random party just cos you could! Haha. The holidays are coming to an end for everyone in JC and secondary school, so it's back to life without me. I on the contrary, can practically taste my freedom. Yes, the DPA program thing is ending soooon!(((: Then it's a month of nothing-ness til I actually begin school. Story of my life-.- HAHA. So yes, Thursday was fun! After tiring and very wet ventures for hokkien mee(which was later redered useless anyway) we ended up at Pau's where there was a ton of dessert, a home-made barbaque and some fantastic alcoholic mixes. Spent the whole night alternating between eating, drinking, talking, eating, dancing, eating, chilling, cam-whoring, eating, food-fighting..and eating. Haha. It's actually kinda funny seeing how far we've come. Heh(:

On the other hand, I've completely and utterly given up. Oh well. I've still got the rest of you(: I am as Chinese as they comeYes, don't hi-five the enemy!(:


I tried.

The walls start breathing,
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone
A weight is lifted on this evening
I give the final blow

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