Tuesday, June 12, 2012

take me round this roundabout

Where to start? Life of a bum in full swing again, though I guess that never really ended. So much talk about life decisions and school and what not. Sometimes I really take things for granted. I guess that's what happens when things just come too easily. It's amazing what others go through and I am forever grateful. For everything. Anyway, I think that perhaps I have a social problem.. LOL perhaps. It weird that I feel like I need it just as much. I find myself fluctuating between relatively satisfied and indifferent. I know that isn't enough because I still can't sleep at night. I know it's not enough because it's still you and I'm still stuck. I know it's not enough because I'm still looking for something better. Just keeping my options open. Sometimes I think that maybe I just need a nice boy... but maybe not. I just want to feel like someone loves me, I guess. I don't really know what I'm saying. Life's just not fun if you don't love somebody.

With you gone, I'm alive
Makes me feel like I took happy pills

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