Friday, May 11, 2012

we're not the fortunate ones

I don't know why these things keep coming back, but they do. And when I say that, I really mean it. A passing thought everyday for years amounts to.. a lot. A lot since I blog a lot. Hurhur. Weeks turn into months and then scarily, into years. Whaaaaaat. Casually flipping through my own space made me realize that I harbor sooo many unresolved issues.. LOL JKING we already knew that. It did however make me really realize that I haven't accepted the way things are... and it's been loooooong. I do this to myself but in my head I believe that to some extend, you do it to me too. I don't know. Well. Most times I just think that life is a choice between thrill and comfort. Because life is the way that it is, you just can't have both no matter how greedy you are. The real problem is not choosing one, but sticking to it. As with human nature, there will always come a time when you envy the person lying on the other patch of grass. When you're comfortable but bored or when you're excited but alone. How does one pick then? I'm too tired to think. Tired of this constant yearning for something more, tired of questioning what has already happened, tired of finding solace in the past when it's already over.

I can still hear you saying
you will never break the chain

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