Thursday, May 24, 2012

promise you'll remember

Admittedly, a fabu weekend; the prelude to exam week. Good job. Studying is a chore that I have forgotten how to do. I am very thankful that so far the papers have been manageable and I can only hope that I will not be so lazy when the course actually starts. "If you don't understand this, it's your own fault cos you didn't listen in class" - note to self: stop being such a smartass. Hurhur. Life certainly has its way of turning back around on you. The most annoying thing is when you realize that you put yourself there in the first place. I can't seem to shake this feeling today - remorse, hopelessness. Everyday, it seems, brings a new reminder that the distance between us grows and grows. Except... that doesn't exist anymore. Every thought, every breath is just another one that brings me further and further away from the only thing that made me feel... Aaaand this is why I can't have anything real because I simply can't handle it. I look at everything I have and although I am eternally grateful for the life I am lucky enough to have and the stuff I am fortunate enough to own, I wonder: does this make me one of those people? Those people who base their happiness on their material wealth because that's all they have? Those people we used to hate? Is that really what I've become..? Because that's really just.. so sad.

I was like, no please stay here
we don't need money

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