Sunday, May 6, 2012

we did enjoy a happiness

A busy week with a couple of tests and a few nights out. Nitin's epic 21st at One Altitude really got me wondering what this year will bring. The avalanche year, we said. Hurhur. I don't even know where people get the money/ability to convince their parents to do these things. #jealousy I guess that means I better start saving. I reckon that with my citizenship issues, I'd actually be in Singapore on my birthday.. UNLIKE LAST YEARS DISASTER LOL... but then still the same boy. Confused. I'm so funny. Every day is just another "seriously abigail.. why" and it seems like I've already gone through every excuse in the book. What can I say, I'm comfortable I guess. I just think I'm too young to care, but I've said that for years. I've just done this too many times to let it go too easily. Plus I still get to enjoy my freedom ish. WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS BEFORE. Oh well. Moving on. Sadly I still feel that despite the years, there are still many things left unresolved. As much that I hope it's not just me feeling it, I really do think that it is. I find it popping up at me at the worst times, like when I'm crashing home alone. I am nobody to say this but I just hope you understand that you deserve so much more than what you've been getting. And that you're truly a good person and one day, I hope it all makes sense for you. You you.

there will come a time, you'll see

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