Tuesday, January 3, 2012

we lied, we can't go on

Despite being in one of the most beautiful (and dirtiest) cities in the world, that was by far the worst birthdays to date. I am only comparing because you are so adamant on comparing yourself. I literally have no words for the whole experience. I despise that it makes me one of those girls. Yeah, we all know which girl we're talking about. The worse part is I'm really not even exaggerating for dramatic effect, it just.. is. In all it's bottle swinging, spit spitting, leg kicking, glass shattering glory. Well. It's over. I just don't know what is. Mind vs Heart, and we all know where my heart is. Me vs You, and you're bigger than me. No words for your nasty ones except 1) "LOL says you" 2) "is that all you have?" 3) "You know it's my birthday right?" #justsaying. Well. What happened happened. Trying to move on would be.. too much effort. Move on away from it or move on to different things? Everybody's disgusted face. "What can possibly cancel out such a horrific event?" Nothing. You don't have to tell me what I should know because we all know I know. The question is: What do I want? I guess it seems... it really just doesn't matter enough to hurt. And yet. Coming home to... everyone. Once, twice, three times a lady. All too late. Not that it matters.. right? The most shocking one causing a lump in my throat as I fight to choke back my tears. And in my own domain. Thank you for what you did there, truly. But back to the one at hand, it's just not something I want to let go off.. now.

Kinda always knew
I'd end up your ex girlfriend

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