Saturday, January 21, 2012

but not what she deserves

The illness has taken over. My body has shed some of the virus but has retained a lot more. I don't know what's happening anymore. I have given up. Just take me, I don't care anymore. I can't spend another weekend cooped up at home in this heat. Waking up in the middle of the night in cold swear while ironically, burning up. I've always been a baby about these kinds of things and the children's medicine proves that. Perhaps what I can't take is that I miss your presence. Definitely should've stuck to my "no boys on my bed" rule. And yet, I can't stand it. How long will you toe in line? LOL joking, you don't know what a line looks like. Never have I met someone who can't even stick to something they themselves are adamant about -.- "I'm just uncomfortable, it can't happen again" and an hour later.... jokez. You're a joke. You're right about one thing though, the trip really ruined everything. You can hide all you want. I'm not stupid, it's not that I can't see through your flimsy lies (seriously lady, considering how often you do it, you really gotta work on that) it's simply that I've given up on building anything real here. And it's your own fault. I've been known to have ridiculous expectations but I've never asked for much from you. And yet, this one thing is so difficult for you. Ironic isn't it, considering you and your demanding ways? I've been through enough to know my dear, that when this is over you're going to be beating yourself up for picking whatever it is you are picking over me, and you're going to seriously regret demanding so much from me when we all know you're already getting more than you deserve. Trust me.

How many nights
of talking in hotel rooms can you take?

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