Tuesday, January 10, 2012

skippin' town

Well. There's not much more to say I guess. The wind was cold, the skies were blue, the euro was falling, sights were being seen, roads were being explored, things were being bought, hands were held, croissants hot chocolate and money was abundant, art was being appreciated and Paris was being Paris. Then it hit. Well okay, hit is somewhat misleading. Let's go with attack. Kena attacked.. yeah that makes more sense. Well, whatchu gonna do? The worst of the worst if that nothing seems to be getting better. Chance after chance shoved down your throat only to come out the other end.. really? What's wrong with you? I can only close my eyes to your negligence for so long. Why would I want to be caged under your possessive eye in the last year before I turn twenty one? Nothing defines me more than my youth and my recklessness. Sadly I must say that prior to said incident, the trip was truly lovely. Having been back for two weeks now, I am still jetlagged. jobless and still uncertain about my future. I just need the kick to get up off my fat ass and stop being so late. The illness is back and it's growing inside me, I can feel it. I just need to get it out... now.

I just let your love in

1 comment:

Alethea said...

Hello pls remind yourself that you deserve better kthx.

Boys should never hit girls. Boys can hit boys. Girls can hit girls. Girls can hit boys but a boy SHOULD NEVER hit a girl.