Friday, October 29, 2010

You will never be happy

Just to make things a little easier. School is yet to be in full swing and I'm already feeling the weight of everything. Every prick of suspicion sent a wave of jitters through me. And I'm not even being dramatic. Every familiar shape, every corner I turn, every recognizable voice, every little thing and I literally start to shake. Hiding underground.. and for what? Sometimes it's ridiculous how easily I am blinded by... nothing. I have more in front of me that I have neglected and I am sore just thinking about it. I have (and am) more right than you. The end of October. Grown up and out of it all. Oh how gray the day is. This week has been such a ride. This temptation has changed you and this. Aaahhh the pressures of pleasures. In my head, I actually thought of those exact words. Not even surprised. This was what I was afraid of. Dead silence, still bodies and nothing. But what a comeback. On the bright side, first week of school and we're home free!

I think about more than I forget
But I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat

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