Saturday, February 13, 2010

Push me up against the wall

For the first time, everyone's life is more dramatic than mine. The only interesting thing that happened to me is the two new additions to my wallet. Well, that and kinda getting kicked out of a house. Hur. School is so over it isn't even funny anymore. Come April I will be miserable and friendless again, just in an office environment. Fuckers. Admittedly, my mind has been plagued with strangling thoughts of what could have been. But now that the phase over, I begin to wonder if I am getting caught in this vacuum again. Not that I mind so horribly I guess. When I am stuck, I begin to fight my way out. And when I'm out, I get upset that I am no longer the core that your life revolves around. Vicious cycle? I am so lame. Hurhur. Maybe I am just too self-important.

We'll dig a deep hole

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