Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Looking for ourselves sober

So I've been missing for a while now. Above you see: long awaited birthmas presents, studying for tests, ladies night @ Zouk and the weekend spent living with the Sanusi's. Cooking, eating, waiting, cabbing, eating, waiting, sleeping. Kor Han you have failed me for the last time! Hee. And I think the most satisfying part was that the sobriety hardly got in the way of comfort and company. Wish I could say the same about my shoes; you really would think that anything that cost that much money would be comfortable. Hurhur. School work and my birthday and my future and all these other things are crashing on me. Holidays my ass. And yet I still cannot wait to just shove this shit aside for just a(nother) tiny getaway. Okay I lied. It's not exactly crashing down on me, it's hovering dangerously above me.. as I blog. HA. My excuse for my disorganized, disoriented and distracted mind? December. A year ago, I was drunk-dialing and depressed and hurt and all that other melancholy shit. 2009 and I am sadly sober but still really quite fine with everything. For now anyway, for now.

Just don't let me down.

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