Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just don't be a stranger

We walk. The past few days have been odd to say the least. Suffocation at it's best. Truly. Probably all in my head, getting worse and worse by the second as loneliness and vulnerability brings us together yet pulls us worlds apart. That's what it is. World's apart. A different culture, a different story, a different life. And suddenly I blanked out; I just forgot. Forgot how to dance, forgot how to care, forgot how to live. I wasn't cold and different, I was just.. lost. I'm fine and found now thank you very much but I won't know how to return. I miss you and only you, more and more yet less and less as each day passes by. Strange. This is all too strange. Everything is strange. My body is betraying me in more ways than you could ever imagine. Sleep deprived to say the least with deadlines clouding my vision. Watching myself slip to mediocracy with every fucking bee that passes my way, taunting my intellect that's been cast aside for procrastination. Fuck that shit. Physical exhaustion must be a good enough reason right? Pffft. Uninspired. The only word that's been stirring in my head. Probably a better excuse. Haha. I am breaking. Away.

I've gone for too long,
Living like I'm not alive.

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