Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And if it was time well spent

Too much has changed.

I think it's because I am supposed to be studying that I am thinking so much. Yes indeed so much has changed. It's funny how a tiny spark explodes into something so big and dangerous, and how it becomes a catalyst, and triggers everything else, breaking the foundation of which everything else is built on. Its just funny. Not in a hahaha way, but in a hmm-life-is-much-more-fragile-than-I-thought way. Well maybe it's not all that funny. It's just..food for thought.

And all these other feelings I think I'm feeling, they need to be put aside for a while because they're probably not concrete. And there's no way in hell I want to jeopardize this over something I tricked myself into thinking, cos despite all the little issues, I still think it's worth it. No, I'd never understand myself either.

5 more days.

Some things I'll never know
And I had to let them go
I'm sitting all alone feeling empty
I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without me

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