Saturday, July 14, 2007

Party like a Rockstar

Why do we do the things we do?

Well hello there. Is it just me.. or are the hours passing incredibly slowly.. yet the days seem to be whooshing by? Everyday I wake up and I realise that we're inching closer and closer to the big Os and the impending stress that comes with it. And everyday I realise that the amount of work I do decreases steadily. And I also realise that the pressing stress I feel, which results in the horrible strain in my neck, keeps piling up as I fall behind. And it scares the fucking hell out of me.

Thankfully there are random things to look forward to that helps me through the days.. like.. er.. stuff. HAHA. Hmm.. Yes, it has been a rather exhausting week.. I think it was from the Lit test that seemed to have drained me. I mugged for like three days and most of the stuff I memorised didn't really come out anyway.. and also for some strange reason there has been soo much talk about life after Os. Like, I know i think about it everyday but all of this week the never-ending questions have just been pounding in my head. But yeah back to the random things to look forward too....

Oh right! Sonia Cheong and I went to Haigen Dazs on Wednesday to get our treat. Hahah.. It was awesome. We decided on the chocolate fondue in the end cos everything else was just as expensive. And I was feeling kinda good cos I thought I could save money.. but I went with ten bucks and left with but a measly ten cents in my pocket. Like. Seriously. HAHA.. too funny. But yeah it was fun, as always (:

And of course last night right? HAHA.. The CCA feast thing? It was fucking awesome. Everyone thought it would be so fucking stupid and boring but anyone who decided not to go.. ARE FOOLS! hahaha.. Let's see... er... Went Sonia and Din at 6.30-ish. I was late. I owe sonia chocolate cos we made a deal that the person who was late would have to provide food as payment. Dammit. Haha... then a whole binch of peopl came and they forced us into the festival court. I guess we were dressed somewhat formally, as opposed to people who came in shorts.. or boardshorts.. But what do you expect yeah(: Haha.. Oh my! During Mrs Martin's speech, while Pau and I were pointing out the CCA seggregation... My phone started to ring. Like.. HELLOMOTO ring. Oh my god. It was too embarrassing larrr! It was so loud everyone started staring at me.. it was ethel. tsk tsk. HAHA

The party kinda sucked at first. Like.. the music sucked and the crowd was boring. but then they requested a song and things really started moving from there. Knowing us Drama/dance/insert-cca-here girls, we made Sonia P start the party.. haha (: And more and more people started getting in the groove of things and it slowly but surely became a huge mass of sweaty people dancing and singing along. rather embarrassingly I might add, especially if it's a long line of people head-banging with our fists in the air to... dance music. HAHAAH(: Yeah it was damn fun. And without even a single drop of alcohol! I even forgot to eat dinner. haha.. first time. (: oH YEAH! Ms Kang started dancing.. like OHMYGOD! It was so super funnnyy! hahaha..

By the end of the night, my foot got really really tired. Yeah I danced, swayed, hopped, jumped, twisted, ran around in heels all night(: Rather effortlessly I might add. So after the made us disperse(oh and singing the school song), Jessie Soniap Pau and I trudgedunwillingly off to Tampines, where we were supposed to watch Transformers. THANK GOD there were no tickets! AHAHAHAH... I told you I always get my way(: HAaha.. so we rather grouchily headed to coffee bean and sat around playing Truth or Dare til 1230. of course. HAHAHA.. It was too funnnyy. I'm cracking up just thinking bout all the dumb dares Pau and Jessie had to do... HAHAHAHAHAHA... stupid rules. I wish I could tell. HAHA(:

Yeah, last night really made my week. Like I was having a really crappy time all week.. and come to think about it, I haven't really been having much fun since mid-holidays cos of all the homework and studyin' and stuff. So yeah. Interesting.

OH! Haha.. At any point of time you look at the tree of us, this is normally the face we're making. Notice Sonia's slow and sure transformation(HA) into DODE! (:

EEEEE.. I'm making the same icky face! haha.. This is really bad

Hahaha... I know you can see the Din. But can you spot the Pau?! HAHAHAHA


Excuse me?!
Who said you can wear stripes too har?! hahaha.. stupid ned. I'm not telling you. ever.
And no one looks great after 2 hours of dancing.

Whheeee.. haha.. I'm still glad you came Joy. i hope you had fun(:

And to take revenge on the Pau.
I think this is real cute.

This one's my favourite(: Just some of my favourite people in the world(: HAHAHA.. Sonia, NO. HAHA.. Cheong really looks like she's about to take a bite outta me. Hahaha..
Oh yeah. Happy Birthday (insert-name-here)! Too many people la :D
Think of me, don't think of me.
I really don't care.

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