Today is GREEN day. Yes, I'm sure you're sick of reading the same crap over and over again so let's take a different, more meaningful take on it, shall we?
First off, yesterday we were all allowed to wear green to show our support for eliminating the climate crisis. Bet you didn't know that.. which brings me to this.. WEARING green doesn't mean you're GOING green. If wearing green is all it takes to save the earth then we wouldn't be in this damn predicament. If staging a large-scaled concert was all it took then we'd be living it up by now. Yesterday was just as I predicted it would be, people walking around wearing green on their shirts, socks, and god forbid, HAIR. It just became a big huge trend. I hate it. I mean, many people see it merely as an excuse to break away from the school uniform. I mean.. classes putting on some gimmick collectively doesn't mean you put in more effort or you're that much better. It just makes you uniform and tacky. So what if I didn't wear that much green? At least I know what it means. At least I actually try to prevent the weather from going even more bonkers.
No, I'm not a big huge earth lover. In fact, the only real reason I'm going green is selfish and possibly superficial. I can't stand the weather. It gets me sweaty and makes my hair frizzy. SO? At least I don't pretend to care about the damn earth. No, I'm not for ALL causes. I don't care for animal rights. I like animals but I like fur more. There. there's nothing to hide.
So if you wanna say I'm a hypocrite, go ahead. Sure, my dad drives two cars. Sure, I hardly ever take public transport. Sure, I have tendencies to forget to switch stuff off. I'm only human. But the intention is there. I hate it when my hair gets icky. But I still pride myself as a student, geography or not, who tries to keep up with what's going on. So, this is how we can try to help prevent the already devastating weather in Singapore from getting worse. Let's go green people, but only if you know what it means.
Many of you own the Starbucks thumblers right? Well.. use it people! The reason they sell it is so that you can use them instead of the non-biodegradable evil we call plastic. PLUS.. we get a thirty cent discount.. take that GST!
I did that today(: MMMM.. tea..
If you own this many appliances in one room like I do(CD player, amplifier, two speakers.. and that's just for music), refrain from using it. You can always listen to music through itunes when you're using the computer. That way, less electricity is used and the heat produced is decreased!
Or just watch TV instead! Sure, with cable that's two switches, but hey, it beats the amplifiers and what not.
Speaking of which, turn your laptop or computer on stand-by if you know you're gonna be away forever. I've only recently started doing that and it makes me feel better (:
AH.. Switches. THAT'S a big weakness of mine. I always forget ti turn them off, especially the water heater, which generates a lot more heat than the energy saving bulbs I use(better for your eyesight. HAH.)
That's all it takes! Let's mend our ways! (:
And of course.. the good old plastic bags. Sonia and I are rampant on rejecting plastic bags when they are not neccesary. Don't be shy, just tell the lady behind the counter that you don't need them if you're just buying sweets or a magazine. Or you could get a big tote bag, they're really in and will be for a while!
And possibly the SIMPLEST thing to do, open the curtains! (My dad nags at me all the time) Turn off the lights in the day and open the curtains instead.. that was you get natural light and save on electrical bill!
Oh my. I must come across as a freak of nature(truely).. but oh well. I haven't been dilligently carrying them out but I always try to. So you should too! And maybe my hair wouldn't get that gross that quickly anymore and I would no longer be in that bad a mood and snap at anything that catches my eye.
Oh. and I just got back from Jo's party. Happy birthday! we all wore green :D HAHAHA
Let's go green, but only if you know what it means!
One day you'll turn around and realise
I'm not there anymore
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