Friday, July 27, 2007

Bring me back to you

Hey stranger. So the week has been a pretty intense one, what with the sudden overload of tests and mocks and all. Other then that I guess everything's been going alright. I mean, generally it's been a pretty okay week. Interesting how the days are passing quick yeah?

The Simpsons movie, was fucking hilarious. Hahahahaha.. I'm cracking up just thinking about it.SpiderpigSpiderpig. HAHAHAHA.. Wait wait. HAHAHAHAHAA. Ok yes hi. haha.. Caught it with the Pau. It really is a very good movie. And the thing is we had our tickets for like..5 days? which means we had high expectations... and we weren't let down..AT ALL. If you don't watch it, you're a fucking square.

OK. Watch it. Love it.

And moving right along.. Unfortunately for the likes of the people sitting around me in class, this week was Pms week! oh the joy. Hmm.. Actually it wasn't that bad, it was really randomn kind of moodswings, like on monday, I woke up and had this sudden urge to be incredibly different. So I created Different Day! So on Monday, I was nice, I apologised for being mean to Dode(who is not part of the world.), I actually listened to sonia's..crap(save for the dragon story) and a whole bunch of generally more significant things. I actually think I was generally a better person on Different Day, which is kinda sad. HA.

Today, I played with my donut water game when I got bored in class. Wow. Oh and I also realised that the class is so much quieter without Audrey around. Weelyn and I caught Soina looking rather morose, staring longingly at Audrey's empty table on Thursday. Haha.. The class was eerily quiet that day. In fact, it was kinda really really nice. HAHA.

Oh before I forget, Good luck for the performance tomorrow Drama! I hope it'll go well and y'all won't embarrass us yeah? (:

I'm so incredibly tired from And it's a far cry from the old days, when everything seemed so effortlessly. It's been getting increasingly difficult for me to keep awake in class now, let alone to concentrate and absorb whatever the teacher is hurling at me. And the horrible part is, most my time is spent studying for the thousands of tests we have or trying to catch up with all the homework that I have been falling behind on. No, it's not fun. It's not fun at all. And what really truly scares me, is that it's just O levels. Yes. I said it. It's just the fucking beginning. It's just the first step. It's nothing compared to doctrates and phds and all that other stuff. And here I am, struggling, struggling to get by, struggling to keep up, struggling to cope.

Sometimes I sit around and wonder what the hell I'm doing here.

Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable

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