Sunday, October 25, 2015

there's just something wrong with you

I can't even believe how quickly time passes these days. In a blink of an eye, it's Sunday night again. These days, it seems even you can't keep my sane. Weekends spent slothing in bed, doing boring couple things and being too comfortable. And yet, my mind is only ever half here. What the fuck is wrong with me. Like honestly, sometimes I truly hate myself. A lesser person would say that I'm just scared of commitment and shit.. but I know, I'm just fucked up. I have so so so much, and yet I still find myself regressing. I don't even know why I'm so enamoured.. I simply can't keep my mind off it. A lot of it is just wanting what I cannot have, and or wanting to be wanted. I'm fucking insane. I don't know why i think I'm special. I guess it'll just be typical case of douchebagary and generally being an asshole. I find it fucking precious how I have difficulties trusting people, because I know how fucked up people can be.. because I am one of said fucked up people. I just want to be special. I wish I was fucking special. UGH how old am I honestly?? Why am I so butthurt about it. What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. Me.

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