Friday, April 24, 2015

with nothing but loose ends

I often write about how grateful I am to have everything that I have. But sometimes when I really think about it, I am truly amazed at just how much I have in my life. I have almost every material thing that I want and that I have ever asked for. I've been so so so lucky that it is within my means to indulge in my fancies of bags, shoes, watches, etc. Most recently, I have been, for the lack of a better term, blessed by my generous father the gift of a very very nice car. My dream car, in fact. There are more than a million people out there who have so much more than me. I know that my things aren't the most fancy or the most expensive or the most anything, but they are all good enough for me. More importantly, I'm so fucking grateful that in the last couple of years I have grown the fuck out of buying things for the sake of buying things, living my life in excess and doing things because everyone else is doing it. Because what a sad, fucking pathetic life that is. I have more than that. Being with J has taught me to appreciate the simpler things in life, taught me that there are humble rich folk and opened my eyes to what's real and what's fake. Right now, I have a good job with a good bank that could take me places. The reason that I don't give a flying fuck what people think about me is that I know in my heart that every single aspect of my life has been upgraded. "My life has to be like this, it has to keep going on." Looking at my life now, there is nothing more I could ask for.

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