Thursday, December 4, 2014

looking for the answers

I guess there are better things in life than my small problems. Sometimes we all just need a break, to step back from your own thoughts and out of your mind into the real world. Not that I'm saying that these worries and paranoias and fucking feelings aren't real. But I think maybe it's time I start to re-evaluate how much importance I put in this and you. Sadly, the fact of it is that I'm simply that kind of girl. I'm the kind of girl that does better when in a pair, that wants every part of someone else and to be everything in their life. And vice versa. Maybe I turned out to be the kind of person that makes someone else their life. But I'm not that big. I can only give so much without any expectations. And after all this time of building and growing into what we have, I'm starting to lose hope. Perhaps it's the effect of time and familiarity and whatever the hell else, but I'm struggling to hold on to this weaning sense of security. I don't ask for much, only to please not make a fool of me and to be here if you want to be here. I think these are reasonable requests. I'm not a child anymore. I'm learning to be more matured and more sane.. and that's exactly why I think I need to step back and just. There are bigger and better things and places and fuck, even people to think about. The perfect example is pictured above when my family and I travelled to Halong Bay, of all places. A true adventure of remarkable views and perfect weather. But more importantly, the much needed respite came at the most appropriate time. Not because of some silly reason like being a test of time and space and whatever lame thing I would've believed when I was younger, but simply because it was a good break from my constant worrying about and borderline obsession with this. Or whatever.

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