Saturday, November 29, 2014

where you once belonged

My life is constantly on the move. Everyone assumes that I have nothing better to do with my life and time because I'm funemployed but that's not true at all. In between rolling around in bed, getting mah nails did, driving, coffee, afternoon drinks and meaningful conversations, I barely have time to think or worry about anything. Like my future. In spite of the disappointment, I still have hope that things will work out in some way or other. But back to the now, my days are short and hectic. The nights are slow and relaxing. But maybe I have a skewed point of view right now because I just got back from a holiday. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I am very lucky and endlessly grateful for all that I have. And though nothing lasts forever, I can't help but want to fully appreciate everything.

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