Monday, April 14, 2014

stop the world

The above depicts the crazy last few days in SG and the even crazier days in motherfucking Tokyo city. Yeah, fucking read it and weep boy. Tokyo is fucking amazing and we arrived at the best fucking time of the year. Spring is for starting anew and fresh, but somehow it's always fucking colder than it should be. The last few days in my darling SG were just.. emotional to say the very least. I don't know how to put them into words without selling them short. I think in a lot of ways I was truly swept off my feet in a weird, almost frenzied flurry. Although the sensible thing was and is to question the genuity of it all, I really can't help but be truly taken. What surprises me the most is that somehow we're still stumbling down this beaten track. I know four ish months is a crazy long time and literally anything from tsunamis and or more importantly anyone could happen in that time, especially being where I am right now. But then again it's been like four years, wtf is four months to me pffft #likelegitthough. I'm truly fucking conflicted. Every day I feel torn between my fantasies of a life I've always fucking dreamed of.. and the fucking amazing life I already have. I mean, I'm fucking living in Tokyo for fuck's sake. Nothing gets better than this.. right?

With the exception of you, I dislike everyone in the room 

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