Friday, April 25, 2014

and laughing 'til our ribs get tough

The impromptu tripe to Osaka cos well, why the hell not. Also #japan2014. Tell me, are you reeling from everything it could have been? I know I promised myself never to speak of you again, but this is simply too tempting not to. But moving on, as we both have. Despite the constant fear of natural disasters, I never want to go home. That's the funny thing about moving away. The sense of homesickness you feel, if ever, is something truly comforting. Obviously, I have my own frustrations about being here.. but I mean, can't live with it, can't live away from it, right? There's nothing I love more about being here than the state of fantasy. In the last couple of weeks alone, I've seen and experienced so many amazing moments be it glorious sunsets over cities or a crazy night out on the town. And for the first time in years, it doesn't feel like there's anything missing from my life. And I know this is simply a temporary state of bliss, amidst the daily grind of moodiness and buying too many things, but it's something for me to hold on to. But alas, life isn't all glitter and gold. It's not to say that I'm not in possibly the most sticky situation of my life as of yet, because that is one thing that weighs on me. I'm just saying, right now I feel truly fucking grateful.

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