Wednesday, October 30, 2013

but you don't mean a thing to me

Where do I even begin. I suppose I should start with the fact that I've lost my phone and well, all hell ensued. I really should've learnt and or known better.. I can't quite deny that I am indeed stubborn and foolish, to say the very least. Right at this very moment, I don't know where you've gone and it's creating a void in me. Here we go again. I've come to realize I'm pretty damn obsessed with you.. as far as my obsessions go. So that's really great, because things may be fine and peachy now (well not right this now), but what's gonna happen when everything inevitably falls apart? I really need to pick my advances more carefully. It's only a matter of time and sadly, who. This is hurting my feelz. On to more pressing matters.. well. It upsets me greatly that the biggest concern I have is that if you're freaking dead or alive. I guess to an extremely large extent, it's truly none of my business.. but like, come on dude. Maybe you don't understand how important you are, not just to me but like just as a human being co-existing with other human beings. I don't even know what to say anymore other than I hope you're well.. and that well, whatever else that we already know.

Caught in the symmetry of your mind
But I'm not happier than you

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