Wednesday, January 16, 2013

this is what makes us

Greetings from Birmingham city, the most random place in the history of the world. New beginnings lead to a new life.. yes? I wonder. This journey is not so much supposed to be one of self-discovery, but more like getting my act together ie to stop kissing chinese boys. Mission accomplished so far, though it has only been like two days. I remember the last morning in the place I call home - waking up in the syrupy afterglow of the night's sweet shenanigans and thinking: fuck I wish you were here with me. I remember because I actually reached over expecting the warmth of your body as I have done so many times recently. But of course since the return of your significant other, things changed between us. Also, I needed to spend that time with more important people who would spend the night stroking my hair, helping me and you know, who actually love me. I want to believe that because of the situation, the distancing was necessary for both of us (me because of how I feel and you because you never want to deal with how I feel) but I don't know anymore #bitter. Whatever it is, I am surprised to say that a billion miles away, I am thinking about it and you. Other than that, things have been semi-exciting what with the cooking and the meeting new people and the cold and what not. Although I almost feel like I haven't had enough alone time, save for this morning's pocket with Everything was Illuminated and prawn dumplings. I sure hope that I wasn't too quick to say that. I just think it would be nice if it were you and me and prawn dumplings.

Every time I close my eyes,
it's like a dark paradise

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