Wednesday, April 25, 2012

you're still very young

As usual, I really should be studying or doing something of use to my life. But I'm not. This laziness, or should I say complacency is really getting out of hand. Things are getting bigger, getting heavier. Or I am anyway. Mehh. Questions about whether I'm doing the right thing has made me realize that I'm a lot more lost than I realized. Maybe business just isn't my calling. But.. what is? It just makes sense. Maybe I'm just saying that cos I'm chinese. I don't know. Do I really wanna give up what could turn out to be a smarter move cos I don't fit in or cos it's harder than I thought? Everything is disintegrating around me and I am too lazy to catch it. Digging my own damn grave. I wish I was more foresighted, that would be enough for me. On an unrelated note, I am going to die alone. Or I wish I would anyway. Actually if ever there was anybody who should die alone, it should really be you. (LOL jking you'll have your mother). It's not my fault you are inadequate. It's not my fault I can tell you don't want to change (that bothers me, I mean after all.. it's free). Perhaps the only thing that's my fault is that I haven't already left.

Was it really worth you going out like that?

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