Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dear Abigail

A complete wipe out. Well, what can I say. I guess I will never really grow out of it. It's just... Moet. My youth may be dwindling but my reckless spirit isn't quite burning out. Well, we all knew this day would come. Things never go well for long with me. A string full of lovely days back-to-back since thy disappearance. The calm before the storm. I can't even pen down certain glimpses of the disasterous night simply because I don't remember any of it. Swell. I can't tell if you are just awkward or if you're really not the kind to bear ugly grudges. the only good thing that came out of it was restored faith in this, on my part anyway. Sad to say this isn't the first time something of this nature has occurred and you continue to surprise me by still remaining here. Though that was my last chance. Perhaps the hardest part of all is that I can't guarantee that there won't be a repeat performance. One can only hope. // I typed too soon. A grudge is a grudge no matter how ugly. I wonder if I'm being too easy on myself. If I am not deserving, then neither are you. Every time I think this is it and I can finally feel what I've always longed for, you ninja over me with your lame life. It pains me to admit that I see shades of that fight in you. It's disgusting. If I have to go through that kind of emotional abuse again then my theory that relationships are stupid would have been proven right. After all, I'm always right.

a heartbreaker right from the start

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