Saturday, November 19, 2011

my heart is breaking like you heard

Just when I thought things were getting better. Just when I put some faith into this and us, you come and ninja over me with you and your life. Well. I am easily misguided with tousled sheets and glossy eyes. Just when I started to regret that monumental decision a little bit less. Bitch please. I guess it just really goes to show what's important to you. Not that I get to say much I know, because at the end of the day I know I'm not fully comfortable with being with you. And I know it's not fair the way I compare in my head. It's just.. so obvious, you know? The vast difference between the two and I'm not just talking about Facebook. It's just my life and your life. How dare you even pretend to want to actually be a part of my life when you don't want me in yours. Not that it bothers me. And I know nobody believes me when I say that but it's true because, to put it extremely simply, I think I'm too cool for you two. Yup. I said it. But that's really not that new either. Well. Maybe I just like to indulge myself and remember the great times. I guess at the end of the day I just want to feel that kind of security that I've always felt and taken for granted. It really isn't until now that I realize I've always had it so fucking easy. This right now is so much more than it used to be but I think you've reach your maximum capacity. And I've yet to really begin.

I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad

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