Monday, August 9, 2010

I don't know why you love me

And this is what it's like rollin' with me. Hahaha. No but really. Fixing things, wondering how I ended up in my compromising positions, watching me self destruct. It is what it is, I'm not even sad to say. This week saw a lot of confusion and thinking. The best conclusion, perhaps of all time, is: "You're mean." And it's true. I just want you to be fucking miserable and really, I don't know why it's too much to ask. But more importantly, I do not wish to hear of how you are otherwise. It's not attachment issues, it's my pride. Well, it's my ego. It's me in all my selfish glory. Sometimes even I question myself. How can someone with so much ego and who's just such a mouthful.. be so lost? Life. On a brighter note, I have nestled myself relatively comfortably here.. wherever here is. Sometimes I wonder if I'm better than this and I still have not decided. I am so warped in my head that I believe that I am fucking untouchable. I can win anything because I can manipulate myself into believing I am above all. (Except that I am actually better than you because above everything, and that's a lot, I'm not on medication. Fucker.) But yes, I'm alright. Everything is alright, going smoothly, working out. Normally. Averagely. Alright.

And when you dream,
I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it

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