Sunday, June 6, 2010

I like being all ambiguous and shit

It's strange how much can change in a week. And yet despite the lightning speed that life and people shift, some things somehow always stay the same. Nights at Buu's are always comfortable, even if no one's being sad or dramatic. Detangling dreams and being told, for once, that I am dealing with everything the matured way. On the other hand, (you have different fingers) I guess it's unfair of me to expect you not to change but I got scared that I'd lose you. What I love the most about us is that everything will always be okay. Except maybe for the random bursts of emotions for no apparent reasons whatsoever, but I'm told it's relatively normal. Ha. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: 2-in-1. Epic. I am so bad at life. SO BAD. For example, there are only about a million reasons why this just doesn't sit well. Emotionally unavailable vs emotionally unstable. I don't know how to or if I should even have any opinion towards this.. whatever it is. Maybe all I really need is just another bag.

Morning rain clouds up my window,
And I can't see at all

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