Thursday, April 22, 2010

What else am I supposed to care about?

Somehow nothing works out quite as expected. Work is more difficult than I had thought but it is definitely a lot more enjoyable than anyone expected for me. Surprisingly, I have disconnected from everything and everyone outside it and the new bubble that I have formed. An even limited number of people I can stand to talk to. And that's it. I am so lost that I am grateful for time alone. I don't even reach out anymore and it doesn't even make a difference anywhere. Every time you say something that hits a little too close to home, I actually wonder to myself if you are right. And really, you mostly are. Everything that gets way too tiring is instantly dropped nowadays. Just like that. I have been on a nasty rampage as well but that too, is not just my fault. I am so distant from everyone important to me that I don't even give a flying fuck anymore, much less a walking one. I don't care anymore.

The pieces don't fit anymore

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