Monday, March 8, 2010

If you give up, you get what you deserve

First off: Farah Amelia Tan, please stop dedicating posts to me, it sometimes makes me want to cry. Secondly; I can't believe we actually saw the day that Paramore came to Singapore and we went to see them to together the way we said we would a year ago. Epic. Thirdly, it's sad how one's entire perception of someone and something can change so drastically in one single event. There is so much fucking irony in the fact that redemption is not your strongest point. But that aside, nothing really hurt like when you said that. Maybe it is my own fault for expecting that you, of all the people who are close to me, would understand. The funny (or maybe the most really fucking pathetic) part is that even people on the outer surface see the fucking change in me. And then to turn around and say it was a stupid thing to do. A million different scars for that one. Really. Best part of the night: that wasn't even what we were talking about. But that shouldn't surprise me, should it? Predictable. Hello, long lonely sleepless nights.

I don't want to be alone,
But now I feel like I don't know you

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