Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colors that don't tell of any boldness

Where do I even begin? Time moves so quickly that it isn't long before we are left to an empty house, desolate and torn apart. Memories stain the walls. A million light years away; I told you this would happen. Serves as nothing but a reminder not to physically depend on something that heavily. Well. I always had a problem with that. Never-ending thirst. What I truly didn't see coming was the condemning questions and death stares of yesterday. And in that moment my heart drops and stops dead in it's tracks, all that time wondering "is this really, really it?" Information overlooked. I had no real intentions of hurt and devastation. Yet it's always too late to regret when it comes to me. Had I known: a million different much happier endings. A quiet lurch in my stomach. Acids wash over, burning holes in places there shouldn't be. I guess everyone was right; some holes can never be sealed, some hurt can never be unhurt. For you and I both. I know you don't owe me anything. Maybe you will never understand how it feels to have regret and remorse stem out of your inner core to fill your being, travel through my veins and arteries to express itself in tears and words (neither that help solve anything). Such incoherent thoughts. Where do you end and I begin?

And I knew that you meant it

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