Saturday, August 8, 2009


The burden we lull around with heavy hearts and heavier eyes can get so taxing sometimes. Minute details and tiny slip-ups go unnoticed for days on end and suddenly everything starts falling apart. And all too typically, I begin to lose sight and interest well before the finish line. Ish. What I lack in patience, I make up for with jealousy and competitiveness. Somehow that always goes hand-in-hand. The whole week has just been watching everyone else show us up and, as it is in my incredibly envious nature, left me sore and sour. And poisonous ftw. School and life = Bleak beyond words. There really isn't much to say (there never seems to be anymore) except that I might just be living out what I have feared the most: youth being wasted on me. How do you draw the line between never feeling like anything is good enough and it actually not being adequate? I have a cyst I cannot get rid of.

You want what you can't have

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