Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We have changed but we're stil the same


HAHAHA. Well, it's the second day of the year, which means school has finally come and stolen everyone from me. Which of course means that I have been very sadly and pathetically been cast aside and have been left to rot at home alone. Heh. Not to mention January is looking pretty bleak now that everyone is either schooling, working or over the sea. Damn. December was hip and happening(oh my god) and now i'm sad and pathetic. I'm starting school super soon too and it's freaking me out. Not to mention my liver is probably luminous orange from the amount of drinking I've been doing lately. Ha. Oh and it's such a gloomy rainy day and the chEW and I were talking about the past and the future and unfortunately the present so in view of that, I think it's time for..

ABI'S TOP 100(+51) MEMORIES OF 2007!

100)2007 Countdown with the chEW at the Esplanade. Missing the last train and DYING at starbucks.
99)Waking up the next morning at some unearthly hour to do homework but failing miserably
98)" Is Miss Chen Pregnant?"
"No...She's just fat"
97)*The HENG walks into class*
96)Sonia and I getting kicked out of chinese class on the second day of school, and naming the plants Edgar and Dinky. Yes.
95)Sonia and I exchanging sharperners that were found in the scientific set
93)Starting on Joy Luck Club in Lit
92)The Heng telling me that my thoughts are wrong
93)Me getting so fucking pissed with her one day and yelled and yelled and she died
92)"But if they walk around in big huge white conical hats..won't people know who they are?!"
-Me on the Ku Klux Klan
91)Sonia spelling her own fucking name wrong (SONA)
92)Being called into a tiny room in the Gneral Office and having a one-on-one session(sounds wrong) with China HOD
90)Finally being moved out of Band 3 class and into Band 2. Hey, it comes with bragging rights baby(:
89)Being in a very stuffy dark corner of 4.8 every chinese lesson
88)Oh my god. Chinese DRILLS.
87)"Shut DOWN la" Yes that was this year.
86)"It's just a mask. She's crying on the inside"
85)Sec four camp at TP and our awesome class cheer.
84)"Bounce my ball, Bounce my ball"
83)Getting on the wrong bus from TP heading towards Tampines Mall and ending up at Eunos
82)SYF camp, with lemon cake and everything
81)Failure preview
80)"..BITCH" in the midst of Dreamgirls
79)Dode is big entourage and has to put my plate back from recess every single time
78)Sonia is small entourage and has to hold Dode's hideous orange purse when she washes up
77)I was proclaimed Master(:
76)SYF camp 2, complete with Ghost scares and everything
75))Rae sleeping in a towel
74)Anne going home to take a dump
73)The fucked up food and pink BARLY!
72)The SYF practices at ACS barker
71)All the crappy previews
70)SYF day itself. 11 April 2007
69)The hell we went through between then and results
68)How we got our results at 12something at night. How Din called with the beautiful news. How I called Anne and she knew even before I opened my mouth. How I cried(:
67)My dad's surprise of the Moto(red) that I had beem begging for(:
66)Impromtu beach day with Buu and attacking innocent children with nuts(:
65)Sonia P. Marine Parade Library. Where it all began.
64)Total denial phase which lasted like...2 days.
63)Failure chem practicals with Ethel cos we were busy talking about shoes
62)Sentosa with Pats and Cheong, being dragged through the Dragon trail, playing truth or truth.
61)Mid-Summer's Night Dream with chEW on the last day of Mid Years
60)Sonia. Gelare. Where it all came out.
59)Another time we were there, and my mom suddenly appearing in the horizon!
58)Me freaking out at chEW cos the prices of eggs were increasing! HA.
57)Macbeth play. Pau and I having a mini fit everytime a bell rang, Ethel and Max speaking in Geog, Pau sprawling out in the seat and eventually falling asleep
56)9 WASTED hours of Chinese tuition in prep for Os
55)Jessie's Tamil paper having Shakespeare in it
54)Oooohhh.. Pirates 3(((:
53)The day I finally understood moles, Buu and I at the Airport Starbucks
52)Pau and Rae fooling the foolish jock into believing that they were in a super scandalous lesbian relationship.
51)Sonia High-fiving the Heng..............NO
50)Her doing it again. WILLINGLY.
49)Oh my. Sitting next to Sonia for 3 monthes and all that orange candy!
48)Finally moving over to Weelyn(Thank God)
46)Catching her amusing herself with the Calculator
45)Joining in and beating her at her own game(:
44)Betting the weather with her constantly((:
43)Winning almost every single time(:
42)Cheong constantly looking outside class
40)Sonia learning to whistle. NEVER have I had another moment of silence from then.
39)The CCA party thing, the ABNIA chocolate bet, my a-little-too-loud proclaimation of uh.... enjoyance(: HAHA. Making Pasu start the party and dancing the night away. Well, til 9 anyway.
38)Coffee Bean with Paulala, chEW and Jes-sey
37)How Sonia and I would study every wednesday and I would ALWAYS get the Lemon tart.
36)How Pau Sonia Dode and I would sit at the back of the canteen everyday and eat either laksa, chicken rice or mixed rice.
35)Sonias Green Tea, Pau's and my Wintermelon and Dode's Grass Jelly.
34)Me finally opening my own can after two whole years of begging someone else to do it.
33)How Sonia and I are always on one side of the table (For pretty...unholy reasons) and Dode is always on the other
32)Ethel always promising me chocolates and takin forever to actually give them to me
31)Ethel and Ivana constantly having couple's quarrels
30)Throwing things at Ethel's head to obtain hysterical reactions. ie. Paper aeroplanes and fake insects(:
28)Throwing erasers (and the odd gluestick) at Audrey's big fat head
27)Audrey's retarded haircut
26)Weelyn thinking a Rhino was a Dino. HAHAHA
25)Sonia'a horrifying story of horrify.
24)The time Cheong spelt lingerie as lauderiang(What the fuck?)
23)BOTASH sitting behind me
22)Making Jo pass all my notes
21)Jessie always counting the windows when she gets bored
20)Weelyn and I laughing at her and once even trying to take a photo
19)How I used to crawl into the tiny space next to Buu and spill my guts
18)How Weelyn HATES peanut butter(what the hey?!)

17)Me to Weelyn: "EW. you listen to backstreet boys?!"
Audrey:"Huh? How did you know I listen to........oh. shit."
16)Spending five consecutive days studying with Din
15)Moving into the MPR2
14)WAIT! Our last Drama session(:
13)Dode dying her cat blue
12)I yelled at chew for fucking being a fucking stupid fucker. then apologising profusely like 2 seconds later
11)Pasu running off to the toilet in English class and taking a 45 min nap
10)Pau failed at sliding down the banister, thus Sonia and I pushed her UP, injuring chEW along the way
9)Sonia and I went to school super late, just cos we could(:
8)Cheong and a whole bunch of us skipped English lessons
7)Ms Kang bought us snacks and everything after a very..emotional lesson
6)Sonia and I, we beat Pau up(:
5)Trying to accomplish our fucking retarded list of things we need to do before we leave school
4)Sonia and I at Starbucks, trying to decide WHO. And me oh-so-intelligently tricking her((:
3)How I used to attack Rae with BEBE
2)Pau took a nap and fell off the couch
1)*run run run turn around run* "SHUTTAAAP" *Trip flop fall roll DIES*
-1)All the night study sessions, most of which were spent getting very very distracted and not actually studying at night. HAHA
-2)One time I made Audrey my servant
-3)Failure attempt at climbing a tree which equated to Cheong using the payphone for the first time..EVER.
-4)O levels!
-5)Post E maths paper. Clock. Pau's face. FUNNY
-6)LAST PAPER which was LIT, when I. just. DIED.
-7)Me dancing around my room in my underwear later that night, popping Peanut butter M&Ms and getting ready to go out with my girls to celebrate like I've never celebrated before(:
-8)The soup incident with the anti-bio girls the next day. Tsk tsk Weelyn. HAHA
-9)Grad Night FOOF
-10)Posuer Prom(:
-12)Morning after + Damage Control
-14)Ethel and I going for the Grad Night Rehearsals in our own clothes and eventually getting sent home.
-15)Republic of China la! HAHA
-16)Crying when I found out about *&^ in ^&(% ):
-17)Finally a beachy day with the Rah
-18)Being bitches at the Drama party and having someone ring our doorbell at 3 in the morning
-20)Rae getting me a shark from Australia
-21)Using the failure job agency thing that Audrey recommanded and NOT getting a job
-22)Dan the man and his failure-ness
-24)Rae's casino party and having Din be my one and only man.
-25)Hong Kong baby(: Good food and awesomely awesome shopping
-26)Realisations. Heh.
-27)Ethel's PINK sweet sixteen. The balloons, the number game, and staying up til 5.30 watching Home Run
-29)FAILURE Class reunion where only EIGHT people showed up
-30)"Girl ah girl. SATAY la girl. SATAY. GIRL." HAAHAHAH
-31)Dode buying us lightsticks
-33)Going to a coffee joint with Din at least once a week and just talking(:
-34)Badminton Day with chEW and Jessie. Sonia hit herself where it hurt.
-35)Cards with the steamy one and then watching fucking gross movies with Jessie and her gross coloured popcorn
-36)Abnia banner making and the orange fucking platapus(sp)
-37)WORK AT BODS. Repetitive Christmas songs, "Hi welcome!" "Who the HELL do you -THANK YOU- Think you are Din?" all at six bucks an hour
-38)Sonia and I going to IKEA and dropping a BOMB, then travelling to CHinatown, then to Bugis.
-39)Me breaking ma cup-.-
-40)Me waking up on Christmas puking my brains out, but making it to Pasu's and Rae's anyway(:
-41)SENTOSA DAY ONE!((: The tiny room, the beach which was just a short walk away, Pau's shuttAP moment, my...moment, hot guy, HANGING with my brudder(no. seriously) and making them BEG me for shot glasses, and not giving it to them(:

-42)"OI. That one classic la" "My mamma shop outside okay!" "I push your button then you know!"
-43)DAY TWO! Failure Coffee Bean, Delifrance, pool, ice cream, subway, getting ready
-44) PAR-TAY!!(: All the gifts, the music, the dancing, the drinking, the solja boy!
-45)SURPRISE! BUUUUUU((: Yes, I cried. HAHA
-46)SURPRISE! CONCERT BAND GIRLS. Yeah I almost died(: Hahah
-47)Birthday shot(: Slightly drunks. Puking. Falling off beds. Bailey's Mint. Morning after(And no damage control) ((:
-48)New Year's Eve baby(: Depp marathon. Falling off beds(: Sneaking around. New Year's shot.
-49)COFFEE. Endless.
-52)Motherfucking scandalous last day of school(:

And I promise I'll never leave you.

SIGH(: Yeah, that took FOREVER. haha. I hope it was worth it(: Hmm.. So i've made my New Year's resolutions. I've made about a million and have alreay broken so many. And one super big huge one so..MEAH. But the ones that still stand are to be more independent (both physically and emotionally), not to care about people judging me and to keep in touch with all my friends(: Yeeaaahh.

Soo.... What comes next.

Do you know what you started

I just came here to party

But now we're rockin on the dancefloor

Acting naughty

Your hands around my waist

Just let the music play

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