Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm gone as the day is fading

The problem with denial, is that it always catches up with you. It grabs you by the collar and shakes you til you're face to face with your demons, which always ends up bigger than you would ever have imagined.

My problem is that I know that full and well and yet I always choose to go down that route. Yes, I am accepting that I am constantly in denial. DEAL. Ha. As you can tell, it hasn't exactly been the best of weeks. Quite the contrary actually, it's been possibly the worse week of the year(Yeah, it's still January) School was fucking exhausting. Death by orientation I say. And well, results is a whole new catagory on it's own. Despite initial reactions, I'm feeling pretty neutral about my magic number now. Well.. you know. Haha. And don't even get me started on missing all my honeys): My pod knows me better than I know myself and it keeps playing songs that make me reminisce! And now, right now, right this instant, I am positively raging with contempt, filled to the brim with utter confusion and feeling a slight twinge of regret.

I have had way too much coffee for my own good.

In my heart is the five of us. And then some(:

Ain't it funny how you think

You're gonna be OK

Till you remember things ain't never

Gonna be the same again?

Ain't it crazy how you think

You've got your whole life planned

Just to find that it was never ever

In your hands?

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