Wednesday, January 4, 2017

indifference is killing me

Well. I guess I finally hit THAT age. It's all downhill from here. Well. A whirlwind week flew by, from King's beds to fancy shoes, never-ending glasses and of course, the loves of my life. Today was the first day back to work for the year. I honestly have no idea what 25 has in store for me, but I do know that I will not let myself get too comfortable with where I am. If I was forced to pick a resolution for the year, it would be to stop being so passive with my life. As one very wise girl once told me, one has to be active in their quest for happiness. Although I am still an extremely jaded and guarded person, I do hope that I will slowly let go of this cynicism I have so stubbornly harboured. That will be a long and difficult journey, but if there's one thing I've learnt at 24 is that time truly does heal. Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the celebrations this year was that I seem to have finally let go of all the emotional baggage that had weighed me down for so long. No hot tears, no whiskey-fuelled thoughts. Just good vibes with the best. I know I protect myself too fiercely, I'm skeptical of most, I'm untrusting and untrustworthy. This is part of my hardened shell, it'll take a tremendous effort to shake off and learn to be better. But if ever I am that way, please remember that sometimes I am too defensive of my own way. Sometimes, I don't mean to be rude and childish and ungrateful and distant. Sometimes, I want to be open and to learn about your life and to share with you. But sometimes, it's just too difficult for me.

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